Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My First Investment

Alright, so I made my investment day the 1st Tuesday of every month and its Wednesday. The money was transfered from my checking account on Monday evening and the purchase was made the next afternoon. I talked to Sharebuilder and had them upgrade my account to the $20 a month plan for free for the first month so I could get a feel for things (they normally offer just the $12 program for free). Since I did that, I was able to buy 5 different ETFs and I might throw in 1 or 2 more before the month is up, probably some low risk, low yield option, but I don't want to get ahead of myself too quickly just so I save $8.

Anyways, my portfolio looks something like this:

I know just looking at a pie graph means nothing, but you can always look at my spreadsheet to see what percentage each stock is at.

At the end of the day, I lost about $1.50 on a day where the DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P500 all dropped a good portion. Today I've been checking on the market every hour or so and I'm getting frustrated. One minute the DOW is up 80pts and right now its down over 30pts. In time, I'll stop watching these things so much and just let it take its course. I feel like I diversified my portfolio enough between domestic and foreign ETFs that cover everything from gasoline and raw materials to real estate, so as long as the world doesn't take a dive I should come out pretty much even until we get back to good times again.

1 comment:

Tony Tovar said...

Hey there, I'm extremely excited to see your blog. I would like to join you in your quest with 100 dollars. Would you like to team up or at least, could I follow in your footsteps? I've been wanting to find a way to invest and continually invest. Could you share what steps I might take in order to begin? Thank you, I've become a loyal reader.

Tony Tovar
Moolah Blog