Friday, June 6, 2008


Good morning everyone, I thought I'd get this out there before the markets opened (better hurry, I only have 3 minutes). Anyways, yesterday the market did really well. The DOW was up over 200 points, the NASDAQ almost 50, and the S&P over 25! What does that mean for me? I made some money! I was down at about $298 and some change at the start of the day yesterday, and this morning my portfolio says I'm worth $303.36!

Granted, I don't expect that sort of growth everyday, heck I don't even expect to win everyday (it sure would be nice though). I've yet to read some business articles to see why the market did so well yesterday, but I'll be sure to report back with my findings later in the day, and I'm hoping to bring more good news that the market decided to take it's good fortune and continue it into FRIDAY!

1 comment:

Tony Tovar said...

I'm going to join up with you. I'm extremely excited about this. I use to day trade but now as a student that is hard and I'm looking for sound more effective ways of investing. I'm also a student and am looking for bright people like yourself to team up in supporting each other. If you would like to spread the word of your blog let me know and I will happily add you to my blog roll.

Tony Tovar