Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A good article that proves that $100 can score you big!

I found a really awesome article which outlines 10 companies that have struck it big over the past 20 years. The site allows you to put in how much your initial investment into the IPO would have been and how much money you would have in your account today. You should head on over to the Quicken Website to check it out.

Wow, have you checked out my spreadsheet lately!

You haven't? Well go check it out! I have been playing around with the GoogleFinance function in Google Docs and it's proving to be quite useful. With it, I have been able to monitor my stocks pretty well and know how much i have lost or gained (ok, only lost). This is on a daily basis, weekly basis, and monthly basis... pretty cool huh?

I also put in some charts to graphically represent my portfolio and it's proving to be a bit useful. So go check it out and tell me what you think. If you want to use it, let me know!